Drawing on Brene Brown, we define spirituality as “recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love.” For many people that recognition and celebration occurs within the context of a faith tradition. Others find it outside organized religion, in the majesty of the natural world, in the humanity of their neighbors, in moments of stillness, and in the wisdom of philosophers and poets. The connection to each other and to the forces that bind us can never be severed, but it can be forgotten. Spiritual practices help us remember. So along side all of our conversations, we offer practices that integrate the spiritual wisdom of our guests.

with David Gungor
with Jaycee Gossett

Resources for Practice:
- Free 30 Day Subscription to the Class Digital Studio
- “The Class for Election Stress” with Jaycee
- Heart Opening for Uncertain Times: My collection of practices for this season.
with Staci Haines
Also check out Staci’s other offerings:
- Politics and Trauma 2.0 Online Course
- Free SomaSJ Practice Community
- Politics and Trauma, the book (Affiliate link)
with Sharon Salzberg
Also check out Sharon’s other offerings:
- Election Series Part 1: Loving Kindness and Compassion
- Election Series Part 2: Equanimity and Embodied Wisdom
- Election Series Part 3: Resilience and Hope
- Kindness in a Fractured World Online Course
- Sharon’s Online Election Resources
with Saundra Dalton-Smith

Sacred Rest, the book (Affiliate link)
Free Rest Quiz to discover your deficit
Sabbath by Wayne Muller (Affiliate Link)
with Emily P Freeman
Also check out Emily’s Other Offerings:
- The Quiet Collection App
- Free Decision Making Guide
- How to Walk Into A Room (Affiliate Link)
with Laura Martin
Let There Be: A Benediction for Right Now
Let there be light,
and gentleness,
and stuffed animals tucking into bed at night,
and coffee bought for a stranger,
and refugees welcomes at airports,
and allelulia on your lips when you thought you had finished saying it.
Let there be those who study peace,
those who minister without books,
those who paint a world not yet seen.
Let there be those who take their pain and sing,
and those who take their hope and write.
Let there be grace so obvious
that you must stop to notice it.
Let there be those who trade disbelief for daily bread.
Let there be all of us,
little benedictions,
blessing something,
and not even knowing
all the places that blessing travels.
From Breaking Into Light by Laura Martin
with John Philip Newell
Walking Meditation with Music
Walking Meditation without Music
Also check out John Philip’s Books:
- The Great Search(Affiliate Link)
- Sacred Earth Sacred Soul(Affiliate Link)
with Cameron Bellm
Prayer for this Election
The world is bleeding, and every four years, or every two, we get to rush in with guaze, with bandages and the best of intentions, to reach out with tender hands to all who are in pain. Its naive to think that we can solve it all with one circle of ink on a ballot, but we can at least make the offering of our attention, Turning our gaze to those who are crushed under the grinding wheels of our systems. We can at least vote not in self-interest, preserving our own wealth and power, but in generosity, in empathy, extending what we have, open-handedly, to others. Amen
A few other prayers for this election:
- A prayer for seeking humanity (by Kate Bowler)
- A liturgy for election day (by Emily P Freeman)
5 Habits of the Heart
with Parker Palmer
Also check out:
- The book Healing the Heart of Democracy (Affiliate Link)
- Healing the Heart of Democracy Hub
Spiritual Practices help us remember our connectedness. They help us remember when trauma makes us forget. They help us remember when politics makes us forget. They are the first step to doing politics differently.